More than a quarter of all employees in Wales are paid less than the Living Wage – the minimum hourly rate needed to afford a decent standard of living.
The increase in the statutory minimum wage for over-25 year olds in April 2016 is welcome, but falls short of the sum needed to afford the basics. Many organisations and campaigners support a further, voluntary increase in pay.
This project develops practical proposals to make a step-change in the number of people paid a real Living Wage in Wales. It will:
- calculate the numbers and characteristics of people whose wages need to be increased to the Living Wage
- identify the sectors and occupations in which those people most likely work and which should be the main focus of action
- identify the local authority areas where action is most needed
- make recommendations about the different types of action that can be undertaken and if any have been more more effective than others.
The findings will be based on a mix of analysis of statistics, reviews of evidence and case studies of successful action in Wales and elsewhere in the UK. They will address the action needed:
- in Wales as a whole
- in the Cardiff City Region and
- in Merthyr Tydfil.
The project is funded by the Coalfields Regeneration Trust, Cardiff Business School City Region Exchange, Oxfam Cymru, Chwarae Teg and Save the Children.
Start date: 1st April 2016 End date: 30th September 2016