It’s here…Official Launch of CDCC

Hi everyone, Apologies for the late edition of the CDCC Blog- it’s certainly been a busy few months. But the big day is finally here: we’re officially launching the CDCC project this Wednesday (25th March)!   Since my last blog entry, I’ve been travelling across Wales and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting lots of inspiring […]

Citizen Directed Co-operative Blog

Disability Wales are often asked why are we establishing a Citizen Directed Co-operative and what this really means for people. This blog will explore the rationale behind setting up a Citizen Directed Co-operative and also provide an introduction to what we mean by direct payment and a Citizen Directed Co-operative. Direct payment is money from social […]

Citizen Directed Co-operatives Cymru Project

  About Citizen Directed Co-operatives Cymru (CDCC) Project CDCC is an innovative project delivered in partnership between Disability Wales and Wales Co-operative Centre and is funded by Big Lottery Fund’s BIG Innovation fund until March 2018. The project will support greater voice, choice and control for disabled people through the development of citizen directed co-operatives as a […]

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