PRESS RELEASE: Launch of process to develop a Disabled Peoples’ Manifesto for Wales

*** EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01 03 December 2014***


Launch of process to develop a Disabled Peoples’ Manifesto for Wales

Today, the International Day of Disabled People, Disability Wales will launch the first phase of the development of a Disabled Peoples’ Manifesto for Wales.  A manifesto to influence political parties policy proposals in the run up to the National Assembly elections in 2016.

An event involving disabled people and their organisations and representatives from across the public and third sector in Wales will be held in the Pierhead, Cardiff Bay.  The event is kindly sponsored by Mark Isherwood AM.


Rhian Davies, Chief Executive of Disability Wales states:

“Following the success our Manifesto for Independent Living published ahead of the 2011 National Assembly Elections which resulted in the Welsh Government introducing the Framework for Action on Independent Living (2013), it is the right time to take stock of where we are and plan ahead for the 2016 Elections.  

Much has changed for disabled people since 2011 following the introduction of welfare reform and cuts in public spending leaving many worse off financially and anxious about losing vital services.  With disabled people comprising nearly 25% of the population of Wales, there is strength in numbers and the Disabled People’s Manifesto will reflect the views and priorities of disabled people across the nation to inform and influence the programme of the next Welsh Government.”


Mark Isherwood Assembly Member states:


“I was proud to speak at the Disability Wales Conference which launched the Independent Living Campaign and am equally proud to Chair the Assembly Cross Party Group on Disability – as well as other Cross Party Groups including Neurological Conditions and Autism.  We must continue the fight against barriers to access and inclusion, and the fight for voice, choice, control and independence”.


A disabled peoples’ engagement process will run until the end of March 2015.  The manifesto will be drawn up following a series of local workshops and a national survey to commence in January.



Notes to editors


  1. For further information and interviews please contact:



  • Rhian Davies, Chief Executive Disability Wales 029 2088 7325 / 07775 504 540


  1. Disability Wales is the national association of disabled people’s organisations striving for the rights, equality and inclusion of all disabled people. It was set up in 1972 as Wales Council for the Disabled.


  1. The event today will run from 12:30 until 15:30 at the Pierhead, Cardiff Bay


  1. Local workshops aimed at disabled people and their organisations:
  • 29 January (Neath)
  • 12 February (Llandudno)
  • 5 March (Aberystwyth)


*** EMBARGO tan 00.01 Mercher 3 Rhagfyr 2014***



Lansio proses i ddatblygu Maniffesto Pobl Anabl Cymru

Heddiw, Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Pobl Anabl, bydd Anabledd Cymru yn lansio cymal cyntaf proses i ddatblygu Maniffesto Pobl Anabl Cymru. Maniffesto i ddylanwadu ar gynlluniau’r pleidiau gwleidyddol yn y cyfnod yn arwain at etholiadau’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn 2016.

Trefnwyd digwyddiad ar gyfer pobl anabl a’u cyrff a chynrychiolwyr o’r sector cyhoeddus a’r trydydd sector yn adeilad y Pierhead, Bae Caerdydd. Bydd o dan nawdd Mark Isherwood AC.


Dywedodd Rhian Davies, prif weithredwraig Anabledd Cymru:

“Yn dilyn llwyddiant ein Maniffesto Byw’n Annibynnol a gyhoeddwyd cyn etholiadau 2011 y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol a arweiniodd Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno Fframwaith Gweithredu Byw’n Annibynnol (2013), mae’n bryd i ni ystyried ein sefyllfa a chynllunio ar gyfer Etholiadau 2016. 

Mae llawer wedi newid ym mywydau pobl anabl ers 2011 yn dilyn y diwygiadau lles a thoriadau mewn gwariant cyhoeddus, gan adael llawer gyda llai o arian ac yn poeni am golli gwasanaethau hanfodol. Gyda phobl anabl yn cynrychioli bron 25% o boblogaeth Cymru, mae tystiolaeth gadarn gennym a bydd y Maniffesto Pobl Anabl yn adlewyrchu barn a blaenoriaethau pobl anabl ar draws y wlad er hysbysu a dylanwadu ar raglen nesaf Llywodraeth Cymru.”


Dywedodd Mark Isherwood AC:


“Roeddwn yn falch iawn o annerch Cynhadledd Anabledd Cymru pan lansiwyd yr Ymgyrch Byw’n Annibynnol ac yr un mor falch o gadeirio Grŵp Anabledd Trawsbleidiol y Cynulliad – ynghyd â grwpiau trawsbleidiol eraill, yn cynnwys cyflyrau niwrolegol ac awtistiaeth. Rhaid i ni barhau i daclo rhwystrau rhag mynediad a chynhwysiad a brwydro er hawlio llais, dewis, rheolaeth ac annibyniaeth pobl anabl.”


Bydd y broses o gysylltu â phobl a chyrf anabl yn rhedeg tan ddiwedd Mawrth 2015. Bwriedir llunio maniffesto yn dilyn cyfres o weithdai lleol ac arolwg cenedlaethol fydd yn dechrau ym mis Ionawr.





  1. Manylion pellach & cyfweliadau:



  • Rhian Davies, prif weithredwraig Anabledd Cymru                                        029 2088 7325 / 07775 504 540


  1. Anabledd Cymru yw corff cenedlaethol cyrff pobl anabl sy’n brwydro dros hawliau, cydraddoldeb & cynhwysiad pob person anabl. Sefydlwyd yn 1972 fel Cyngor Pobl Anabl Cymru.


  1. Cynhelir digwyddiad heddiw rhwng 1230 a 1530 yn y Pierhead, Bae Caerdydd


  1. Gweithdai lleol ar gyfer pobl anabl a’u cyrff:
  • 29 Ionawr (Castell-nedd)
  • 12 Chwefror (Llandudno)
  • 5 Mawrth (Aberystwyth)

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