
Launching our Disabled People’s Manifesto survey

The 2021 Senedd elections are approaching and Disability Wales wants to make sure that the voices of disabled people in Wales are heard, loud and clear.  We will be publishing a Disabled People’s Manifesto, informed and driven by the experiences of Disability Wales members. In the principle of the Social Model of Disability, we want […]

Ysgrifen gwyn ar gefndir gwyrddlas sy'n dweud Sut i wneud eich gwybodaeth yn hygyrch i'n haelodau. Mae darlun bach o gyfrifiadur a llygoden ar ochr chwith yr ysgrifen

Sut i wneud eich gwybodaeth yn hygyrch i’n haelodau

Rhannu eich gwybodaeth gyda ein haelodau Yma yn Anabledd Cymru, rydym yn derbyn llawer o geisiadau i rannu gwybodaeth gyda’n haelodau ac rydym yn hapus i wneud hynny. Ond yn aml, nid yw’r wybodaeth a roddir yn hygyrch ac nid yw’n cael ei ddarparu mewn fformat sy’n hawdd i ni ei atgynhyrchu ar y cyfryngau […]

bilingual DRILL logo disability research into independent living and learning

DRILL in Wales: The impact so far

Historically, research on disability has rarely included people with lived experience. Not only have disabled people been excluded from participating in research about our lives, but complex statistics or inaccessible research findings may preclude disabled people from understanding evidence and contributing to discussions about services or policies. At the same time, disabled people have become […]

image of a computer screen with a zoom call box, word document and STTR transcript

Home-working during the Covid-19 crisis

We have a guest blog from freelance photographer and journalist Natasha Hirst, discussing her experiences of access when working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. My #FreelanceLife meant that I was fairly well prepared for working from home when life was thrown into turmoil by the coronavirus lockdown. Unlike office-based employees who are making an […]

social care wales website screenshot flexible use of direct payments during the pandemic

Covid-19 Direct Payments guidance

Many thanks to all who responded to our email and highlighted questions and concerns based on lived experiences of direct payments and employment of PAs during the coronavirus emergency. We greatly appreciate the time taken to do this, given the challenges many are facing. At the recent meeting to discuss these issues with Welsh Government […]

on direct payments? let us know what issues and queries you have

Direct Payment issues

Many of our members on Direct Payments have raised concerns with us regarding access to PPE as well as questions about employment arrangements for PAs where either the Employer is shielding or the PA is in self-isolation. We have fed these issues back to Welsh Government Ministers and I’m pleased to inform you that a […]

Have your social care charges increased since 6th April and if so by how much? Are you getting the full package of services as agreed in your assessment?

Changes to care charges

As of 6 April 2020 changes came into effect which updated some of the arrangements by which local authorities are able to charge for the social care and support they provide or arrange. These changes were introduced by amendments to the regulations and code of practice governing charging under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) […]

disability wales update for members # coronavirus pandemic

Covid-19 Wales update

Following publication of the Wales Disability Reference Group’s statement on 8 April regarding Coronavirus and the Rights of Disabled People in Wales, more than 1400 individuals and organisations joined Disability Wales, Learning Disability Wales, Wales Council of the Blind and Wales Council for Deaf People in supporting our Statement. Disability Wales is pleased to inform you that […]

Chronic Illness Inclusion Project logo

Coronavirus and chronic illness

A guest blog from the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project on how disabled people with long term chronic illnesses have responded to the coronavirus pandemic

Dewch yn aelod heddiw i fod yn rhan o beth rydym yn ei wneud
