
Equality and Human Rights Exchange Conference June 9th 2016

A workforce for the future – challenges & opportunities Equality and Human Rights Exchange Conference June 9th 2016 Llandrindod Wells          Keynote Speakers: David Robinson OBE, Chair of the National Early Action Taskforce and Senior Adviser to Community Links. Karyn McClusky, Director Scottish Violence Reduction Unit. Alison Phillips, Chief Executive Public Services Staff Commission. New […]

CDCC Job Vacancy

Re-advertisement   Citizen Directed Co-operatives Cymru Development Officer (Disabled person – Social Model definition) Fixed term: to 31 March 2018 NJC 30 – 34 £25,727 – £28,922 35 hours per week   Secondment and job share applications welcomed   DW is a national Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) and given the job requirements it is specifically […]

Welsh election: Fight for second place, poll suggests

A close battle for second place behind Labour at May’s assembly election is shaping up, the first opinion poll of the campaign has suggested. The latest monthly YouGov poll for ITV Wales puts Plaid Cymru ahead of the Conservatives on constituency votes with UKIP gaining ground on both. Prof Roger Scully of Cardiff University projected […]

Carwyn Jones buoyant about Labour's election chances as he launches campaign

The First Minister was in bullish mood as the party got their Assembly bid under way at Barry Island First Minister Carwyn Jones gave a speech on the esplanade at Whitmore Bay, Barry IslandFirst Minister Carwyn Jones gave a speech on the esplanade at Whitmore Bay, Barry Island Buoyed by positive poll findings and good […]

Trawsnewid gwasanaethau cymdeithasol Cymru

Mae Anabledd Cymru & Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi’r tri grŵp a ddewiswyd i fod yn rhan o gymal nesaf project Mentrau Cydweithredol dan Arweiniad Dinasyddion. Bydd yn sefydlu un fenter gydweithredol yng Nghymru, gan roi mwy o reolaeth i bobl dros eu gofynion cymorth a chreu opsiwn newydd i reoli taliadau uniongyrchol. […]

Press Release: Citizen trailblazers transforming Social Services in Wales

Disability Wales and Wales Co-operative Centre are delighted to announce the three pioneering groups selected to take part in Stage 2 of the Citizen Directed Co-operatives Cymru (CDCC) project. CDCC will set up one Citizen Directed Co-operative in Wales, empowering citizens to gain greater control over their support requirements and creating a new option for […]

Project arloesol i hybu hawliau pobl anabl Cymru: Mentrau Cydweithredol dan Arweiniad Dinasyddion

Bydd Anabledd Cymru & Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru yn dathlu lansiad swyddogol eu project heddiw am 12:00pm yn Adeilad y Pierhead, Bae Caerdydd gyda’r Athro Mark Drakeford AC, gweinidog iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, ac Aled Roberts AC, noddwr y digwyddiad. Mae’r project wedi denu cefnogaeth o wledydd tramor a byddwn yn croesawu’r siaradwr gwadd Dr Adolf […]

Pioneering project for disability rights in Wales: Citizen Directed Co-operatives Cymru

Disability Wales and Wales Co-operative Centre are celebrating the official launch of their new project today at 12:00pm at the Pierhead, Cardiff Bay and will be joined by Professor Mark Drakeford AM, Minister for Health and Social Services, and Aled Roberts AM, sponsor of the event. Citizens Directed Co-operatives Cymru (CDCC) has attracted international support […]

PRESS RELEASE: Launch of process to develop a Disabled Peoples’ Manifesto for Wales

*** EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01 03 December 2014***  PRESS RELEASE Launch of process to develop a Disabled Peoples’ Manifesto for Wales Today, the International Day of Disabled People, Disability Wales will launch the first phase of the development of a Disabled Peoples’ Manifesto for Wales.  A manifesto to influence political parties policy proposals in the run […]

Dewch yn aelod heddiw i fod yn rhan o beth rydym yn ei wneud
