
Multi-million pound disability research programme seek proposals

Press Release: The UK-wide Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning (DRILL) Programme invites research teams led by disabled people to respond to its first call for proposals. DRILL is a partnership of 4 national disabled people’s organisations across the UK, including Disability Wales.   Funded by a £5 million grant from the Big Lottery […]

Wales election: Jeremy Corbyn campaign visit cancelled

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has cancelled an assembly election campaign visit to Wales amid fears it would be overshadowed by an anti-Semitism row. Former London mayor Ken Livingstone has been suspended for his comments saying Adolf Hitler had supported Zionism. A source close to Mr Corbyn said a “high level of media interest” would have […]

Age Cymru training resources

 Age Cymru training resources Nod yr adnoddau hyn yw rhoi trosolwg i chi o agweddau allweddol y Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 mewn perthynas ag eiriolaeth, ac yn benodol, Eiriolaeth Broffesiynol Annibynnol. Datblygwyd gan Age Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ag Anabledd Cymru, Prifysgol Abertawe a cyn-Brif Weithredwr Action for Advocacy Martin Coyle trwy’r Gronfa […]

Wales Election 2016: Manifestos at a glance

Still confused about who to vote for in the Welsh Assembly election? There is just over a week to go before polls open across Wales. All of the parties have published their manifestos – plans for what they’d do if they took control of the Senedd, or even suggesting what they might like to get […]

Disabled Access Day sees venue numbers quadruple

More than 1,000 venues and an estimated 10,000 people took part in the second annual Disabled Access Day, according to a new report. The figures show that last month’s event, which saw eight countries taking part, attracted 10 times the number of people who took part in the inaugural event in 2015, with four times […]

Disabled people are ‘stronger and safer’ in EU, say leading academics

Leaving the European Union (EU) would put at risk significant improvements that have been made to the lives of disabled people over the last 15 years, according to three of the country’s leading academics working in the disability rights field. In the strongest statement yet on why remaining in the EU would be the right […]

DWP ‘is deliberately misleading’ benefit claimants over PIP deadline

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is facing claims that it is deliberately misleading benefit claimants into thinking they have no right of appeal if they miss the deadline for applying for the new personal independence payment (PIP). There are also claims that it is failing to make it clear enough to existing disability […]

‘Enforcement is key on Equality Act’

Lawyers, campaigners, peers and academics have spoken of how disabled people can find it almost impossible to enforce their rights to equality, six years after the introduction of the Equality Act. They were speaking at a seminar in London – organised by the Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Leeds, the legal firm Unity […]

‘Conflict of interest’ lawyer to chair EHRC, as minister ignores MPs’ concerns

The government has appointed a commercial lawyer to chair the equality and human rights watchdog, despite MPs raising serious concerns about a potential conflict of interest caused by his firm’s work for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The Government Equalities Office (GEO) announced this week that David Isaac had been chosen to be […]

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