
New EHRC Commissioner for Wales

Message from Kate Bennett: June Milligan appointed EHRC Commissioner for Wales   I’m thrilled to announce that June Milligan has been appointed as our new Commissioner for Wales.   June has a strong track record as a champion for equality and human rights in Wales.  Her knowledge of Wales and determination to change people’s lives […]

Newydd phenodi’n Gomisiynydd i Gymru y CCHD

Neges gan Kate Bennett: June Milligan wedi ei phenodi’n Gomisiynydd i Gymru y CCHD   Annwyl Gyfeillion,   Rwy’n falch dros ben i gyhoeddi bod June Milligan wedi ei phenodi fel ein Comisiynydd newydd i Gymru.   Mae gan June brofiad helaeth o amddiffyn cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yng Nghymru. Bydd ei gwybodaeth o Gymru […]

Digital Communities Wales

From 2009 until 2015, Communities 2.0, a Welsh Government digital inclusion project, helped 60,000 to get online. Despite this good progress, 19% of adults in Wales remain digitally excluded. The Wales Co-operative Centre delivers Digital Communities Wales, Welsh Government’s current digital inclusion programme. Digital Communities Wales aims to build on this good work, by developing […]

NEST – tackiling fuel poverty

Working in partnership to tackle fuel poverty The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme aims to tackle fuel poverty by improving the energy efficiency of existing homes across Wales. Nest provides free advice to help households reduce their energy bills, increase their income and improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The scheme also provides […]

NEST – Gweithio mewn partneriaeth er mwyn mynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd

Gweithio mewn partneriaeth er mwyn mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd Nod cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd Llywodraeth Cymru yw mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd drwy wella effeithlonrwydd ynni cartrefi presennol ledled Cymru. Mae Nyth yn rhoi cyngor am ddim er mwyn helpu cartrefi i leihau eu biliau ynni, cynyddu eu hincwm a gwella effeithlonrwydd […]

Hijinx Taster Sessions

Hijinx Taster Sessions Taster sessions for our Academies and Drama Foundation courses. email – And these are the dates of the taster sessions: North Wales – Drama Foundation taster, 11 May, Prestatyn. West Wales – Drama Foundation taster, 13 July, Carmarthen. Mid Wales – Academy taster, date to be confirmed, Aberystwyth. Please do get […]

Learning Disability Wales new project Valued Lives

Valued Lives – Working together to Inform, Train, Innovate, Represent and Challenge Valued Lives supports the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act and will train, inform, innovate, represent and challenge so every child, young person, and adult with a learning disability in Wales can achieve a valued life. We have already started to deliver training on […]

Invictus Games 2016: Six Welsh warriors taking part

Six Welsh military veterans are part of the 108 strong British team out in America for the Invictus Games. The five-day event got underway when the games were opened by Prince Harry in Orlando, Florida. The prince, who founded the games for injured veterans, said he hoped they would also inspire people affected by mental […]

Cancer costs too high for average Welsh family, charity says

Most people in Wales cannot financially afford to get cancer because of the increased living costs, a cancer charity has said. Macmillan Cancer Support estimates the disease costs people diagnosed in Wales about £760 a month. The average family would be left with a shortfall of about £270 per month, the charity has estimated. The […]

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