
A national disgrace: the high price of disability poverty in Wales

The JRF Report Poverty in Wales 2018 (7 March 2018), found that 39% of disabled people in Wales are in poverty compared with 22% of non-disabled people; and that the poverty rate among disabled people in Wales is the highest in all of the UK.   Responding to the findings on BBC Wales Live news […]

‘Deeds not Words’: the Long Road to Equal Rights

6 February 2018 marks the centenary of the Representation of the People Act (1918) which allowed some women and all men the right to vote.  It was to be a further ten years before all women achieved voting equality with men. There are parallels between the history of the campaign for Women’s Suffrage and the […]

Mesur y Mynydd – Deall Profiadau Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru

Mae Mesur y Mynydd yn brosiect Cymru gyfan i werthuso effaith Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014. Mae’n gydweithrediad rhwng y sector gyhoeddus, y drydedd sector ac, yn fwyaf pwysig, y bobl sy’n byw yma. Bydd y prosiect, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn casglu straeon oddi wrth bobl â phrofiad diweddar o ofal […]

Measuring the Mountain – Understanding Experiences of Social Care in Wales

Measuring the Mountain is an all-Wales project evaluating the impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014. It is a collaboration between the public sector, third sector and, most importantly, the people who live here. Funded by Welsh Government, the project will collect stories from people with recent experience of social care in […]

Disability coalition calls for talks with prime minister over ‘human catastrophe’

 A coalition of disabled people’s organisations has today written to the Prime Minister urging her to meet with them to discuss the deteriorating quality of life experienced by millions of disabled people in the UK.   The call comes exactly six months since the United Nations’ damning report on the UK Government’s implementation of the […]


Defending Our Rights Disability Wales has been working with DPOs around the UK on the first ever Review of how the UK and devolved Governments are implementing disabled people’s rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).  Using our preferred language in the social model, we refer to the […]

Diverse Cymru – Diversity in Film and TV

Diverse Cymru are working with and on behalf of the Welsh Government’s Creative Industries Sector Team to deliver a pioneering project, Diversity in Film and TV, to explore the barriers that may prevent people from diverse backgrounds becoming involved in the sector. They are working with professionals in the creative industries to explore positive solutions to ensure that […]

First minister deadlock: AMs to meet over Labour-Plaid deal

A deal to end the stalemate over who becomes first minister will be put in front of AMs from Labour and Plaid Cymru on Tuesday. The two parties will hold separate group meetings over the proposal, which could reinstall Carwyn Jones to the head of Welsh Government. Both sides said they made “good progress” over […]

Europe agrees rules on website accessibility

European Parliament reaches provisional agreement on accessibility of public sector bodies’ websites and mobile apps Many of us take the internet for granted – but if you have a disability, you soon discover that not every website is as accessible as it should be. More than 167 million EU citizens have a disability or age-related […]

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