
front cover of report

Joint report disabled women experiencing domestic abuse

This morning, Disability Wales and Welsh Women’s Aid launch their joint report – “Supporting Disabled People experiencing violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales.”   Third sector organisations will launch the report at the joint cross-party group on disability and cross-party group on violence against women and children at the Ty Hywel […]

image of social care wales web page

Social Care Wales launch online resource on Direct Payments in Wales

This resource can be used by both practitioners and direct payments recipients to support good practice by giving access to essential information, case studies, data, and research.   Available here:    

April Harper photo

Remembering April Harper

April Harper Staff and Board Members of Disability Wales were very sad to hear that April had passed away on the 3rd of January. April was a much-valued member of Disability Wales who served on our Board of Directors from 2010 – 2012, holding the role of Vice-Chair during this time. She was a lively […]

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Housing and Disabled People: Britain’s hidden crisis

Disability Wales welcomes the EHRC report today highlighting disabled people’s experiences of housing.  Urgent action is most certainly required in Wales in order to make houses adaptable and accessible to disabled people.  There are far too many examples where disabled people are unable to move around their own home due to its inaccessibility.   This is having […]

Access to taxis and private hire vehicles: the experiences of disabled people in Wales

In April 2017, it became illegal for taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to discriminate against wheelchair users. The change in law meant that drivers could no longer refuse to take wheelchair users or charge them extra for their journeys. It also required drivers to provide appropriate assistance to wheelchair users. We wanted to know […]

A black and white photo of Simon Green holding a sign that says Don't disable our future

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – Mental Health changes

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is planning to implement changes to Personal Independence Payments (PIP) which allows people with Mental Health (MH) issues to claim higher rates of the mobility component.   What is the Mental Health judgment? The Mental Health Upper Tribunal judgement related to how symptoms of overwhelming psychological distress should […]

A national disgrace: the high price of disability poverty in Wales

The JRF Report Poverty in Wales 2018 (7 March 2018), found that 39% of disabled people in Wales are in poverty compared with 22% of non-disabled people; and that the poverty rate among disabled people in Wales is the highest in all of the UK.   Responding to the findings on BBC Wales Live news […]

‘Deeds not Words’: the Long Road to Equal Rights

6 February 2018 marks the centenary of the Representation of the People Act (1918) which allowed some women and all men the right to vote.  It was to be a further ten years before all women achieved voting equality with men. There are parallels between the history of the campaign for Women’s Suffrage and the […]

Mesur y Mynydd – Deall Profiadau Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru

Mae Mesur y Mynydd yn brosiect Cymru gyfan i werthuso effaith Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014. Mae’n gydweithrediad rhwng y sector gyhoeddus, y drydedd sector ac, yn fwyaf pwysig, y bobl sy’n byw yma. Bydd y prosiect, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn casglu straeon oddi wrth bobl â phrofiad diweddar o ofal […]

Measuring the Mountain – Understanding Experiences of Social Care in Wales

Measuring the Mountain is an all-Wales project evaluating the impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014. It is a collaboration between the public sector, third sector and, most importantly, the people who live here. Funded by Welsh Government, the project will collect stories from people with recent experience of social care in […]

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