Access to taxis and private hire vehicles: the experiences of disabled people in Wales

In April 2017, it became illegal for taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to discriminate against wheelchair users. The change in law meant that drivers could no longer refuse to take wheelchair users or charge them extra for their journeys. It also required drivers to provide appropriate assistance to wheelchair users. We wanted to know […]

A national disgrace: the high price of disability poverty in Wales

The JRF Report Poverty in Wales 2018 (7 March 2018), found that 39% of disabled people in Wales are in poverty compared with 22% of non-disabled people; and that the poverty rate among disabled people in Wales is the highest in all of the UK.   Responding to the findings on BBC Wales Live news […]

Disability coalition calls for talks with prime minister over ‘human catastrophe’

 A coalition of disabled people’s organisations has today written to the Prime Minister urging her to meet with them to discuss the deteriorating quality of life experienced by millions of disabled people in the UK.   The call comes exactly six months since the United Nations’ damning report on the UK Government’s implementation of the […]

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