New EHRC Commissioner for Wales

Message from Kate Bennett: June Milligan appointed EHRC Commissioner for Wales   I’m thrilled to announce that June Milligan has been appointed as our new Commissioner for Wales.   June has a strong track record as a champion for equality and human rights in Wales.  Her knowledge of Wales and determination to change people’s lives […]

Digital Communities Wales

From 2009 until 2015, Communities 2.0, a Welsh Government digital inclusion project, helped 60,000 to get online. Despite this good progress, 19% of adults in Wales remain digitally excluded. The Wales Co-operative Centre delivers Digital Communities Wales, Welsh Government’s current digital inclusion programme. Digital Communities Wales aims to build on this good work, by developing […]

NEST – tackiling fuel poverty

Working in partnership to tackle fuel poverty The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme aims to tackle fuel poverty by improving the energy efficiency of existing homes across Wales. Nest provides free advice to help households reduce their energy bills, increase their income and improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The scheme also provides […]

Learning Disability Wales new project Valued Lives

Valued Lives – Working together to Inform, Train, Innovate, Represent and Challenge Valued Lives supports the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act and will train, inform, innovate, represent and challenge so every child, young person, and adult with a learning disability in Wales can achieve a valued life. We have already started to deliver training on […]

Cancer costs too high for average Welsh family, charity says

Most people in Wales cannot financially afford to get cancer because of the increased living costs, a cancer charity has said. Macmillan Cancer Support estimates the disease costs people diagnosed in Wales about £760 a month. The average family would be left with a shortfall of about £270 per month, the charity has estimated. The […]

Channel 4 defends decision on mental health panel make-up

Channel 4 has been criticised for hosting a panel discussion on how the media treats mental health, without inviting anyone with mental health difficulties onto the panel. The event on 17 May will mark Mental Health Awareness Week, and includes a discussion on “mental health portrayal on mainstream television and beyond”. The discussion will be […]

Government’s failure to ring-fence ILF funding ‘is leading to postcode lottery’

The government’s failure to ring-fence the funding it is handing to local authorities following the closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) is leading to a “postcode lottery” of support for former ILF-recipients, according to new user-led research. Information secured by Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) through freedom of information requests to Greater […]

Scottish police assessing possible investigation into IDS and Grayling

Scottish police are assessing whether to launch a criminal investigation into the failure of two government ministers to address a coroner’s concerns about the safety of the “fitness for work” test, a failure which may have caused “countless deaths”. Disabled activist John McArdle, co-founder of the user-led campaign network Black Triangle, lodged a complaint with […]

Age Cymru training resources

 Age Cymru training resources Nod yr adnoddau hyn yw rhoi trosolwg i chi o agweddau allweddol y Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 mewn perthynas ag eiriolaeth, ac yn benodol, Eiriolaeth Broffesiynol Annibynnol. Datblygwyd gan Age Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ag Anabledd Cymru, Prifysgol Abertawe a cyn-Brif Weithredwr Action for Advocacy Martin Coyle trwy’r Gronfa […]

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