DWP ‘is deliberately misleading’ benefit claimants over PIP deadline

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is facing claims that it is deliberately misleading benefit claimants into thinking they have no right of appeal if they miss the deadline for applying for the new personal independence payment (PIP). There are also claims that it is failing to make it clear enough to existing disability […]

‘Conflict of interest’ lawyer to chair EHRC, as minister ignores MPs’ concerns

The government has appointed a commercial lawyer to chair the equality and human rights watchdog, despite MPs raising serious concerns about a potential conflict of interest caused by his firm’s work for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The Government Equalities Office (GEO) announced this week that David Isaac had been chosen to be […]

Leonard Cheshire set to scrap disabled-only team over budget black hole

A disability charity is set to scrap a team of disabled staff members dedicated to empowering the residents of its care homes, in a bid to cope with a budgetary black hole. Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD) has told its award-winning, 14-strong customer support team (CST) that they are all facing possible redundancy, in a bid […]

Equality and Human Rights Exchange Conference June 9th 2016

A workforce for the future – challenges & opportunities Equality and Human Rights Exchange Conference June 9th 2016 Llandrindod Wells          Keynote Speakers: David Robinson OBE, Chair of the National Early Action Taskforce and Senior Adviser to Community Links. Karyn McClusky, Director Scottish Violence Reduction Unit. Alison Phillips, Chief Executive Public Services Staff Commission. New […]

Charities campaigning for change should think hard before pursuing court cases

Getting involved in legal action comes with risks and no guarantees of victory, but it can be a powerful weapon. The introduction of the “gagging clause” to ban charities using government grants to campaign has put the question of charity campaigning back in the spotlight. Legal test cases – cases brought to court in an […]

Tory peer faces calls to quit as EHRC commissioner over support for WRAG cuts

Disabled campaigners are calling for the resignation of the equality watchdog’s disability commissioner, the disabled Tory peer Lord [Chris] Holmes, after he voted in favour of disability benefit cuts when they had been condemned by his own organisation. The letter to Lord Holmes at the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has been signed by […]

Traumatised disabled teacher says council allowed bullying to continue

A maths teacher who was told by managers after she became disabled that if she had been a horse she would have been “taken out and shot” has spoken of a campaign of bullying and harassment that left her traumatised and suicidal. Catherine Scarlett spoke out this week after an Ofsted report found the comprehensive […]

Mental health goals may not be met, audit office warns

Waiting-time targets were scheduled to start in April, but NAO report says officials do not yet have a grip on how much the policy will cost. government pledge to bring mental health services up to the standards of those for physical ailments will struggle to be met, the government’s official spending watchdog has concluded. The […]

Love Your Vote – A free workshop for people with a learning disability and autism

A Dimensions Cymru Event Tuesday 26 April 2016 9:45am to 12:30pm OR 1.45pm to 4.30pm The Riverfront Newport Learning Disability Wales are delighted to announce that our friends at Dimensions Cymru are working with the Houses of Parliament to hold a free workshop in Newport to explain the process of politics and how to vote. These […]

Former students of scandal-hit charity are still at home, four months on

Former pupils of the Royal School for Deaf Children Margate (RSDCM) have still not been found a suitable new school, more than four months after it closed. The school was forced to close in December for financial reasons, after the care watchdog uncovered evidence that disabled young people at the neighbouring Westgate College for Deaf […]

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