Have your social care charges increased since 6th April and if so by how much? Are you getting the full package of services as agreed in your assessment?

Changes to care charges

As of 6 April 2020 changes came into effect which updated some of the arrangements by which local authorities are able to charge for the social care and support they provide or arrange. These changes were introduced by amendments to the regulations and code of practice governing charging under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) […]

disability wales update for members # coronavirus pandemic

Covid-19 Wales update

Following publication of the Wales Disability Reference Group’s statement on 8 April regarding Coronavirus and the Rights of Disabled People in Wales, more than 1400 individuals and organisations joined Disability Wales, Learning Disability Wales, Wales Council of the Blind and Wales Council for Deaf People in supporting our Statement. Disability Wales is pleased to inform you that […]

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