Disability Wales stakeholder announcement

Disability Wales logo which has the organisation name in English and Welsh in plain text on a white background. The words are framed on the left hand side by four spirals in DW's trademark blue and orange colours.

Disability Wales is undertaking a change programme which will redesign and redevelop the organisation to ensure that we are fit for purpose in the future.

Disability Wales (DW) along with other voluntary organisations is working in a fast-changing world. This is challenging and we need to respond positively. As such we have been looking at how we are structured and the way we work to ensure that we continue progressing towards achieving the rights and equality of disabled people in Wales and are best able to support our membership including Disabled People’s Organisations.

There are three main reasons why DW is undertaking this change programme:

Maximising opportunities to advance disability rights and equality

DW is revisiting its strategic plan to take account of new opportunities including the outcomes from the work of Welsh Government’s Disability Rights Taskforce.

The proposed action plan presents a major opportunity for a renewed focus on tackling disabling barriers in society. As a leading member of the Taskforce, DW has a vital role to play in developing new partnerships with a range of stakeholders, including DW members, aimed at achieving the rights and equality of disabled people.

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis has significantly impacted on funding available to third sector organisations. Like many, DW has seen a significant reduction in its funding from Welsh Government as well as increased competition for grants from charitable trusts and foundations.

We must adapt to this changed funding landscape as we transition away from Welsh Government funding and explore new and more diverse ways of ensuring DW’s sustainability including in collaboration with others.

New ways of working

We are in the process of introducing new digital, flexible and hybrid working practices and need to continue these developments to ensure that we’re operating most effectively.

What does this mean for DW’s services to members and stakeholders?

DW’s purpose and strategic aims remain the same. We have been listening carefully to the views and priorities of full member Disabled People’s Organisations and will shortly be undertaking a survey of the wider membership. The changes we are making will be designed to help us do all we can to meet the needs of our members in the coming years.

Our change programme will take place over the coming months following a new structure put in place over the Summer. The reduction in funding has meant a reduction in staff capacity sadly, which will have an impact on the range of activities we can offer in the short term. However, we will continue to work with partners to develop new initiatives of benefit to disabled people in Wales.

Our small but dedicated staff team whose achievements go well beyond what can be expected from so few are greatly valued. DW is committed to ensuring that all are fully engaged in, consulted with and supported as we make the necessary changes.

Our commitments for this change programme are to:

· Build a resilient and sustainable future focussed organisation to progress disability rights and equality in Wales

· Restructure the organisation to deliver our new strategy effectively and efficiently

· Involve members, work coproductively, and use evidence and data to measure and optimise our impact

· Establish and nurture partnerships with other stakeholder organisations, to enhance Disability Wales’ programmes and opportunities for influence

· Treat everyone with fairness, compassion and dignity

Next Steps

DW’s Directors and Staff will participate in a strategic planning review over the Autumn.

A survey will be circulated to all members inviting views and feedback on DW’s work and activities which will inform the strategic planning review.

Meetings will be arranged with stakeholders including partners and member organisations to inform the strategic planning review and identify opportunities for joint working.

We know that any change process brings uncertainty and we will endeavour to keep you updated and as always greatly appreciate your support. We have no doubt that this will continue through this challenging time.

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